Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Favorite Color

From the time I was in kindergarten, teachers would ask the class to choose our favorite color, or write about our favorite color, or draw something using our favorite color. Whenever I was the VIP I would have to make a poster about some of my favorite things, including my favorite color.

Well, my favorite color is, and always has been, RAINBOW.

Of course, this was always followed up with, "Rainbow is not a color."

This became such a stressful thing for me. I love all colors. I love lime green and fuchsia. I love aquamarine and sunflower yellow. I love plum and ebony. Give me a new box of crayons and I am in heaven. All the beautiful colors of the rainbow so perfectly sharpened, snuggled tightly against each other. I loved picking out the colors one by one and reading the names on the wrappers. I loved that Cerulean was the perfect color for my sky, Burnt Sienna for tanned flesh, and Dandelion for the sun.

Here I am, 46 years old, and I still cannot choose. And why should I have too? My favorite color? Well, it really is very simple. My favorite color is Rainbow.


AubsandKenny said...

I always tell people I don't believe in favorite colors. Seriously, how can a person pick and it depends on my mood :). Way to go against the norm.

Bonita said...

If you pick one color then the others will feel bad and left out!! ;-) I'm with you.."Color" is my favorite color.