Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Sign of Spring

The past few days have been extremely hard for me. I have a friend who is hospitalized with two broken feet from a horrible car accident. I have a cousin who has been dealing with some scary medical problems. Suffering just seems to be swirling around me, although I am fine, the heaviness of my heart for them has overtaken me.

When I came home today from the hospital, I noticed this beautiful little crocus right by my front door. It gave me pause. I thought, "The Lord is good to us. He sends us these little reminders that even in the midst of tragedy, life can be beautiful and good." Spring is a renewal...of hope, of faith, of life.

I planted a couple of hundred bulbs this past fall. I am excited to watch them sprout and bloom, each year naturalizing and providing more and more color and beauty.

We do have much to be thankful for. I am thankful for family and friends who come together at times like this in fasting and prayer for those who need to be strengthened and comforted.

May each blossom remind me that this world was created for us...and that He is ever mindful of each one of us. That is my prayer today.