Thursday, December 15, 2011

He's Famous!

So last week a columnist from the Deseret News came into Wasatch Running Center and wanted to do an article on "Gifts for the Outdoor Enthusiast". Brandon was happy to help. He ended up modeling some clothes for her. We were excited yesterday to see the article in the newspaper and a huge picture of Brandon. He looked great! Funny how when I mentioned it to people that know both him and me, they said they didn't recognize it was Brandon because they were choking over the $350.00 price tag of the coat. Yep, running enthusiast take their sport seriously and don't mind dropping the big bucks to keep themselves looking good!

These photos only appeared in the online version of the Deseret News:

Brandon said he has already been contacted by two modeling agencies to model underwear. (wink wink) Good thing he has been working out!