Friday, December 14, 2012

I Did It!

I have never really been a fan of school.  I enjoy learning and I love to read...but tests stress me does the social drama that usually goes along with school.  I graduated from high school a semester early and got a job.  I knew however that I would be attending Brigham Young University in the fall of that year.  I had grown up in Texas and was excited to be around more people who shared my religion and my values. 

I remember being put on a plane and flown to Utah to begin my college career.  My papa had told me he would help with the financial part of my schooling.  I remember him saying, "If you go to college, I will help you financially...but if you don't, you just get a washer and a dryer."  That still makes me laugh.  I went my first year to the Y and was happy there.  It was fun living in the dorm.  The second year I decided to live in the dorm as well, but this time I had my own room and was president of the dorm.  My junior year I moved into a house with seven other girls...with my roommate being my sister Lori.  That was a new experience and one that I really enjoyed.  Unfortunately, I had some bad experiences with teachers and classes and lost my momentum for school.  I left in the middle of my junior year. 

Back when I was still living in the dorms, my papa was dying from cancer.  I remember talking to him on the phone and promising him that I would finish my college education.  Those words have often rung in my ears over the years.  I was so excited when I saw the billboard for "Independent Study - Finish What You Started."  I realized that I could finish my BYU education online.  This seemed to fit perfectly with the station I was at in my life.

I got going on my classes, but then life went into a downward spiral.  My husband at the time was diagnosed with an incurable cancer, my marriage failed, I had to leave home to work, etc.  Everything seemed to be fighting against me finishing my degree.

After moving to La Verkin, I decided to go headstrong into completing my remaining courses.  I found myself studying every moment I wasn't working or serving in other responsibilities.  There became no time for rest.  My brain at times felt as if it would explode.

Finally in November of 2012 I completed my final class and received my diploma in December.  I will be able to walk in my cap and gown at BYU in April of 2013.  This is such a relief...and I love checking off that I am now a college graduate.  I am very proud of myself.  This has been one of the most intense and gratifying things I have done. 

I was also very excited to replace the license plate on my car with something a little more educated!