Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Wedding Dress

For Young Women's we had a Wedding Dress Fashion Show. I thought it would be great if my daughter wore my wedding dress. The day before the fashion show, I got the dress out of the big gold sealed box and had her try it on. Imagine my surprise when it fit her perfectly. I thought she looked amazing!

When I was married I weighed the same as her, but I was about 3 inches taller. I doubt she will want to wear my dress when she gets married - #1 it's not in style anymore and #2 it is probably cursed ;) But for one night, I couldn't take my eyes off of Brooklyn...she looked beautiful.

On a side note...when you get divorced, you don't know what to do with your wedding dress...or the gigantic bridal portrait framed in ornate gold. The portrait has been hiding under my bed. On April Fool's Day, I told my sister that some mice had taken up residence under my bed and used my bridal portrait for nesting material. She thought that was great, because now I didn't have to try and figure out what to do with it anymore. Of course, it was just a joke. I will admit, however, that having both my dress and the bridal portrait, made for a very enjoyable day for me and Brooklyn. I still wish I had the fairy tale life I dreamed of on that day long ago...but seeing Brooklyn in my wedding dress, was a blessing I will not soon forget.


AubsandKenny said...

Wow, she looks so grown up and beautiful!!!! :)

ginger said...

Cursed! hahahaha, now that is funny in sucha not funny way! The other day my little home teacher said he and his wife were getting married in the St. George Temple and outta my mouth popped, "That's where I got married too!" Long pause. Then I finished...."But don't let that deter YOU!" Sometimes we have to laugh at our situations cuz crying all the time gets old! Brooklyn looks beautiful and you were a gorgeous bride, no one can deny that!

Unknown said...

Wow! Welcome back to blogger world!
Brooklynn looks amazing in that dress! My mom's dress is WAY out of style to LOL.
Hallie(Sorry, I'm on my other blog's account:P)

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

she looks so grown up... and beautiful, just like her mama.